Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Worst bike parts I ever bought with Keith Mcelhinney

Awhile back my buddy Rick did a write up about the worst parts he had bought over the years. Well a few of the older guys chimed in and had their own list. I got Keith Mcelhinney to come up with a list of his own. Being a few years older than myself Keith has some older parts on here that I never had the "pleasure" to ride. Well here goes:

The 80s was the best time for freestyle.  No one knew what they wanted and the bike industry was sure to sell you the worst parts ever with no rider input.  Here is my list of some of my favorites:

CW Phaze 1:  What more can be said about making the most needed tube on your bike the weakest?  Broke 2 of these under their 90 day warranty and they sent me a non-z frame and told me they never wanted to hear from me again...

The bash guard.  Nothing said street like a bash guard.  Couldn't afford a new Haro Team Master?  Then bolt this puppy on that weighs about the same as a modern day frame...

Sugino cranks.  These things were so light!  I think because they were made of tinfoil.   You didn't need pedal inserts on these because the cranks would strip at the spindle the first time you jumped off a curb.

Z-Rims were awesome!  Made of the same kind of material as a tuff wheel.  If they bent you could throw them in the freezer and they would straighten.  Only problem is that they would flex so much that you could hit you axle nut on an bar endo!  The recommended setup was to put washers on your spoke nipples to stop the spokes from tearing through the rim.

Wheel covers.  Hate looking at those annoying spokes?  Never have to true your rim?  Then these are for you!

CW bars.  Made when jumping over your bars for tricks was all the rage. 

Hutch Beartrap pedals.  Insanely expensive for the time and would pretty much amputate your leg if you missed a pedal.  Also was nice that they would dent the first time you dropped your bike.

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